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Calendar in Excel 2020 English # 507

Calendar Diary in Excel

Agenda Calendar 2020 Made with Excel

This post presents a calendar calendar of the year 2020 made entirely in Excel for you to download and use without any restrictions.

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Como funciona calendario en Excel 2020

En la hoja principal se podrá seleccionar o ver un mes en particular o todo los meses del año como se ve en la imagen siguiente:

Calendario en Excel 2020

Al hacer doble click sobre un día en el calendario se muestra un formulario donde se puede ingresar la tarea a realizar y se lista en la agenda, ordenado los registros en forma ascendente por fecha.

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Printing the 2020 Calendar in Excel

From the print calendar button you can print on paper or PDF every month of the calendar year, this printing takes place to be able to add notes on a specific day or notes at the end of the sheet where the calendar is printed, the following image illustrates the mentioned.

Imprimir calendario 2020


You can also print the Agenda 2020 in Excel that is generated when the tasks are entered on the different days, it is shown in the following image:

Print Diary 2020 Agenda 2020

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